According to Nursing in Practice, these new terms will help drive primary care efficiencies and improve patient care.
The National Information Board supports the new single vocabulary “SNOMED” of clinical terms, stating that “the new terminology will enable diagnoses, symptoms, drugs and medical devices to be captured on records in a clear, unambiguous and consistent way”.
Beverly Bryant, director of digital transformation at NHS Digital, said: “A common clinical language across care settings underpins a more effective and safer healthcare system, and being able to facilitate this is essential to the future plans of the NHS”.
This is a fantastic opportunity for NHS Digital to encourage a greener footprint, maintaining that it is critical for all health and care providers to use the same electronic dictionary, stating that it will save thousands of hours in effort and millions in working hours.
How effective will this new implementation be? Well, it has already been proven successful in Barts Health NHS Trust, where they have been using a SNOMED-based system for many years. Dr Charles Gutteridge who conducts routine visits is assured that the data captured using SNOMED is complete.
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